this first picture Chris took, i dont' know why Emma was laying on the kitchen table but she was, that crazy girl, the second picutre while i was making dinner they were playing really nice together, they found this tray from their booster chairs and were all pretending to eat, the lighting is bad and they look like trailer trash b/c they are in their diapers but i love to hear them play together they totally have conversations and crack up at each other. not much new here i really havent' had any extra time to play with the camera, our cleaning lady comes tomorrow so i have to pick up. We booked our flight and rental car for our vacation which i can't wait. It will be a lots of good photo ops too! Work has been crazy which is good since i work tonight and tomorrow night. I will hopefully get good photos this weekend. chris had a training class on Monday where a tank caught fire and he took over 2oo pics, i should post those if i can find it. oh well have a good day. Oh Amanda when you come home will you show me how to use photoshop? Who has time to read a book about it?

Emma looks angelic to bad she isn't always an angel. IS that Audrey head I see peeking around her. They look like they are playing very nicely and maybe playing school.
Ok...your kids DO NOT LOOK LIKE TRAILER TRASH! Ok done. Very cute pics of the kids. Yep, I'd love to help you with it elements...I haven't used tat one in a LONG time, but I'd love to help.
glad to see the kiddos are playing nicely together. I know that doesn't always happen!!
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