here are some pics Chris took of Lauren, she is such a pretty girl and i'm not biased either, the next two are of Parker, his mom and dad sold him to us and he is ours now, just kidding i think his dad took them of Parker. I really dont' believe he has an attitude. check out all the posts below i have been busy during naptime, oh and Lauren if you read this please stay a good kid, and never ever get into the car with someone who has been drinking, i will come pick you up, and never do something that you don't want to do. Peer pressure is so hard and it won't kill you to be uncool for a minute, stupidity will.

Such a pretty girl, that Lauren. I can't believe she went to prom. What does that say about us?!?!? I never would have guessed the Parker can be a little pistol either...I don't think his mommy tells us the truth. Oh wait, no one thinks that Connor can be that way either, but let me tell yah...
Lauren looks beautiful !! Love that parker peep picture.
Lauren is BEAUTIFUL and so model like. Great pics Chris.
And yes Parker is a pistol on a regular basis...believe me.
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