this weekend was busy but beautiful weather. it was the Swansea Fireman's picnic and we spent the majority of the days outside. Audrey finally figured out how to peddle her tricylce although i don't think she likes all the work it entails, this was a lightbulb moment for her. in the next picute Christian was watering well pouring sand on my plants. today after their naps i put them in their swimming suits and turned on the sprinkler, Audrey loved it and kept saying "get wet with me" christian didn't really like it and Emma loved to look at it but i dont' think she wanted to get her hair wet. i am posting twice today cause i love the pics from Audrey and the sprinkler. Last evening i took the kids back to the park only b/c we had extra ride tickets, all three loved this spaceship ride, you could see the excitement on their face when they went on it, and all three got to ride side by side. When they were on the cars Audrey and Emma would just look at each other and giggle, it was a heart warming moment for me, you could just see the love for one another in their eyes, brings tears to my eyes even typing about it.
I had a nice compliment from people i usually dont' talk to this weekend, they complimented on how patient i was and great with the kids, I needed that b/c i tend to think i am so impatient and focus on the negative things about my parenting skills, i felt really good. Last night the kiddos stayed at my moms, the first time they stayed away without us. It was so wonderful sleeping through the entire night and i woke up around 745 this am, usually i am awake by six. so then i went back to bed until 9 and then got my kiddos and we played hard outside. oh well this chicca is tired and i need to post the rest of the photos. good night. oh and christian and Audrey are finally getting rid of their coughs! hope Parker and cole are on the road to recovery!
Cute pics...Connor like to take the dirt OUT of my pots. Oh well. Had fun this weekend. Hope to get to spend more time with you guys.
Looks like they are enjoying themselves. It was a super busy weekend.Very crazy I am ready for winter to be back in that aspect hate the cold though.
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