this picture is of Emma's new crocs, i wanted to get daisy's jibbitz things but they didnt' have any so Chris picked out bees and ladybugs, those things are freaking expensive, ten dollars for four, then Chris also bought Christian some alligators for his crocs. Audrey didnt' get any b/c she doesnt like them, and Christian didnt' get new crocs b/c he didn't need them so Emma made out like the bandit, new crocs and new jibbitz, Audrey's crocs are pink swirls. Next time i am buying them from Payless that is ridiculous 30 freaking dollars for some foam that lasts a couple of months, gammy bought them i did not.
the next picture is of some flowers, i stole Steph's idea and may put this in the purple bedroom if i can find a cool silver or dark frame.
the triplet pic is before the circus, thank God we got free passes, thanks Curt and Pam, i would have been mad if we would have payed 24 dollars for us to get in, it just didnt' hold the kids attention, we left at intermission buy hey it was free. the other pic Chris took of Audrey at the circus, he took a ton and weeding through them will be fun I'm sure. but great job on this picture Chris
Adorable pictures. That flower pic will look good in the purple room. I love the crocs but can never find any maggie's size. They have pink(I think) and purple 8's at babies r us for 9.99. I do need to check payless though.
How in the world are they on their 2nd pair of crocs already? They must be pretty hard on them. P is only on his 2nd pair ever. Speaking of Jibbits a boy at the library had Lightening Mc Queen and Mater ones...I need to find those. Love the yellow fun.
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