well this am it looked like it was going to rain so i just packed my gym bag to still shower at the gym and then we would go to Farmers Market. Well we come out of the gym and the sun is out in full force, so we hit Farmers Market for some grapes, they are delicious and a couple of other items and then head home. We played outside and downstairs today, the weather is gorgeous. I feel bad for not taking them to the pool but i wasn;t packed for it and i hated to make the trip back to the pool when i already have to go into work at 3. Gas is cheaper but i am trying to only fill up my tank every two weeks, i have a new budget in mind, lets see if it works.
the first pic is Emma she insisted on carrying this tennis ball all around today so i let her.

this is Audrey peaking at me, her hair was blowing and i thinkg the pic is cute, i should probalby try and lighten the picture more.

Audrey looking out the window at Emma, Audrey and Christian wanted to go in early so Emma still wanted to play, i was right by the door.
oh well off to work for me for four hours. I think it is crazy busy at work, hope i get off in time, Linda is staying until 730 when i get home. My mom has the stomach flu still.
Don't you hate this darn weather. I wated to water my flowers they look aweful but I thought it would have rained by now. Oh well. Hope you have a decent evening at work it has been crazy at my work too. Love the pictures of the kids they look like they had fun whether or not they went to the pool.
Gotta love kiddos and balls. Audrey is being really photogenic lately!! Cute pictures
Aren't they cute! Still don't know how you do it with 3 and still manage to go to the gym. I can barely go on a walk with my 2 and the dog without looking like a 3 ring circus...well who knows we just might look like one.
Hope work wasn't too bad for ya.
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