so this morning around 930 we headed to the park, when we arrived nobody was there which was awesome, but within twenty mintues the park became a little busier. Jen and Connor met us there, it looks in the picture below connor thought he was hot stuff going down the slide. The kids had fun until Audrey decided to bite Emma so then she went in time out and after that everybody was hot and we thought the kids might have been getting a little burnt. It feels like a June day rather than April. The first picture is my action picture of Christian going down the slide, I love his expression it says he was having a blast. Connor was so proud to be going down the slides, Emma and Audrey were on the big girl swings and loving every mintue of it. After the park we headed off to Target. The kids were begging to go to bed at noon so i thought quiet time to myself sounded pretty good. I think i may lie down, my cheeks have a sunburn i think. or maybe i should shave my legs so i can put shorts on. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer so we may attempt another park or go to Sarah's and play on the new playground if they have it done.
Love them all...Cute pics of Connor too. Thanks for taking them!! Emma's pic is cute with the blue sky behind her, you should crop it abit so that's all you see. Christian's is cool with the inside tunnel lighting, and Audrey's eyelashes are really pickup with the camera. Great work!!
I am a mom to 4 kids, almost four year old triplets and a baby boy. They are the light of my life even though the triplets are sure getting that four year old sassy mouth but they are great kids! I am married to Chris for 6 years and going strong, i just recently changed my status to per diem at work so i could spend more time with my kids.
Love them all...Cute pics of Connor too. Thanks for taking them!! Emma's pic is cute with the blue sky behind her, you should crop it abit so that's all you see. Christian's is cool with the inside tunnel lighting, and Audrey's eyelashes are really pickup with the camera. Great work!!
Your workin it girl!
Those are adorable sounds like the park was fun glad you had a good time. Christian looks like he is having a blast.
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