i love this picture b/c it totally describes Audrey's attitude the last two days. she is being very demanding and very wearing on my last nerve. i think she is trying to get attention b/c her brother and sister had surgery yesterday and they are stepping on her toes in the limelight. Emma and Christian had tubes placed in their ears and their adenoids removed. christian was so groggy yesterday it was almost kinda funny. Emma did great also. We were stuck in the house today, no gym for me which means no sanity, hopefully i can get my butt out of bed tomorrow at 6am to go. Hopefully it will warm up so we can at least go outside. If not there will be plenty of car rides to Target! oh well better get off of here and finish picking up, the cleaning lady comes tomorrow! HOORAY.
That explains it all she is too funny! Hopefully it returns the normal you once knew soon!!
Drama Queen Audrey!! Love it!!
Hmmmm...I think I've seen this face before....on PARKER! Must be the age!
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