so today we went to SLU alumni easter egg hunt, boy was it ever cold. Christian screamed b/c it was so cold, and he kept saying, "its cold outside", he picked two eggs. The girls were hunting downthe eggs. We met Cathy at ten at Bread Co for some bagels and then headed off to SLU. The kids fell alseep on their way home and decided that was enough napping for them. The prizes in the eggs were not appropriate for two year olds, the candy in them was hard because it was probably frozen, and then they had toy rings also in the eggs. It was a nice thought on Slu alumni's part, i'm sure the people that pick the prizes have no clue that children can choke on small parts.
So proud of you doing this. It keeps me informed too and I see you once a week. Pam
Love the one of Cathy and all three. Audrey looks especially sweet. Too bad it was cold outside. I wasn't even about to attempt an outside hunt today. Next year it will be a bigger deal. I think Connor will care about them. As you know from last week, he was happy with two eggs. He just liked opening them!!
Love the hats and hoods on the girls. Looks like they had a funtime. At the egg hunt for Maggie she just wanted one egg that was all she just liked to look at them.
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