Monday, April 30, 2007
ice cream and fun in the sun
Sunday, April 29, 2007
give me a kiss
here is Connor and Emma kissing, check out the other pictures below for more park pictures. connor just likes to kiss all the girls. Girls watch out for Connor Davis he is going to be a ladies man! Amanda don't show this to Parker I dont' want him getting jealous.LOL
fun in the sun
so this morning around 930 we headed to the park, when we arrived nobody was there which was awesome, but within twenty mintues the park became a little busier. Jen and Connor met us there, it looks in the picture below connor thought he was hot stuff going down the slide. The kids had fun until Audrey decided to bite Emma so then she went in time out and after that everybody was hot and we thought the kids might have been getting a little burnt. It feels like a June day rather than April. The first picture is my action picture of Christian going down the slide, I love his expression it says he was having a blast. Connor was so proud to be going down the slides, Emma and Audrey were on the big girl swings and loving every mintue of it. After the park we headed off to Target. The kids were begging to go to bed at noon so i thought quiet time to myself sounded pretty good. I think i may lie down, my cheeks have a sunburn i think. or maybe i should shave my legs so i can put shorts on. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer so we may attempt another park or go to Sarah's and play on the new playground if they have it done.

Saturday, April 28, 2007
saturday april 28th 2007
so today i went with my mom to Soulard Farmers Market, oh my gosh produce is unbeliveiably cheap and super fresh. Chris took the kids over to Sarah's to help assemble their new playland and my mom dropped me off on the way home. The first pic is Meg Sarah's daughter looking at a bug and i think it is kinda different so i posted it. She is a cute girl and thinks i'm funny. the other two pictures Chris took while i was at work, the last picture was Christian rolling on the floor. I'm kinda embarrassed only b/c Christian has a ton of crumbs in his hair after rolling on the floor but it is amazing how much detail this camera picks up. I do like the last one though Chris got some really good shots. Way to go honey.

Friday, April 27, 2007
my favorite picture

Okay so today i took the kids to the zoo by myself and we even rode the train, go me! i took my small digital camera and the batteries wore out so no pics from the zoo. they didn't want to nap when we got home so we played outside all day long. the second picture i took of Emma on the playset when we were outside and i absolutely love it. the first picture i accidentally hit blog this. for some reason Emma is more photogenic this week more so than Audrey. I usually think Audrey is the photogenic one, but the second picture i didn't even do any editing to it. Not much to do this weekend, i dont' have to work Sunday so it will be family evening, still trying to decide if i want to go shopping tonight. nah i'll just chill at home.

Thursday, April 26, 2007
yeah i did it
Emma being silly
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
i couldnt' decide today who to put a picture of b/c i didn't want to play favorites, all though depending on the devils of the day it can be hard not to. I love the look on Emma's face here. Today everybody is doing better althouth Emma has diarrhea and every time she has flatus she cries, i guess it burns I don't know. The stomach cramps that accompanied this virus are nasty, i can vouch still when i put something in my mouth my stomach cramps so bad, i can only imagine how they must feel. good news today Christian has not vomited Yeah. Better get ready for work!

This is the only way lately that i can take Christian's pictures, if he even sees me pointing the camera at him he will whine and say "no picture" he started rolling on the ground trying to cover his face with this one. OH the joys of the temper tantrums, and they say three's are worse, yikes and i have three of them who will go through them at the same time. OH NO!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
after being sick since SAturday we made it outside today, i was feeling a tad better. all Christin wanted to do was swing, he took a 1.5 hour nap this am and a three hour nap this afternoon, i am telling you this flu bug has kicked our butts. My allergies are acting up something fierce, my eyes are constantly watering, my nose is a faucet, and i have some big chills going on. I do have a low grade temp with no appetite but do feel better today than yesterday. The kids won't be going to MDO tomorrow b/c they are still wiped. They can't make days up so my tuition will be reduced for May.
in other exciting news we got our dispute with the
cameras resolved, my husband was in charge of that one and our money has been refunded 100%, we had to do a dispute iwth the credit card company. So today we ordered the camera from where Amanda and Stephanie said to order it from. GRRRR i'm still a little irked that Chris didn't listen
but at least he checked the company out and we didnt' get scammed. He does listen to that inner voice in his head, good job honey.
oh well off to bed. i will be posting more frequently now.
in other exciting news we got our dispute with the
cameras resolved, my husband was in charge of that one and our money has been refunded 100%, we had to do a dispute iwth the credit card company. So today we ordered the camera from where Amanda and Stephanie said to order it from. GRRRR i'm still a little irked that Chris didn't listen

oh well off to bed. i will be posting more frequently now.
bag of bones
this is Audrey who now weighs less than Emma, she is my skinny bag of bones, with her flu bug and hardly wanting to eat she has lost 2.5 pounds. tonight she begged to go to bed at 7pm she hasn't asked to go to bed for a long time, she still is wanting to lay around and doesn't have much pep. You poor baby you have had such a rough week.

I'm back

Friday, April 20, 2007
the haircuts
I so love Audrey's hair like this, it was looking better but after a quick trip to Target and a gentle breeze it kinda got messed up. The kids aren't looking at the camera, but my friend Melissa is holding them on top of a monkey bar. They had so much fun at the park today, poor Audrey didnt' want to leave but they need those naps okay well i need some computer time, my blog is slacking. Still waiting to order my camera, ughhhhhh.

well today a group of us planned on meeting at Target Park but upon arrival a large preschool was there with only two teachers, so basically they were unsupervised. After Emma got trampled and another girl got peed on we decide to go to the park by Shiloh School. THis was take at the Target park. This is Miss Lia and i just lover her expression, she was saying cheese but i thought it was so cute, that is Emma in the background, i lover her hair.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Thank you God

Today was one of a parents worsts nightmares. It started off that we were going to go to the park, first we went to the firehouse to visit daddy and then we were going to go to McDonalds for lunch then off to the park. well the kids love running at the firehouse and apparently Christian ran into Audrey and knocked her down where she hit her head on the concrete and lost consciousness, her body went limp and her eyes rolled back into her head. chris thought she was going to start having seizures b/c her body was rigid, he calmly said call 911, i was chilling not paying any attention until i see her limp body in his arms, i then lost it, i fell onto my knees and started screaming, God dont' let my baby die, I was not the calm mother, thank God Chris was calm. Her lips were blue and she just had this dazed look on her face, i couldn't reach any of the grandparents so luckily Steph came and picked up Emma and Christian while i rode with Audrey in the ambulance. THANK GOD FOR STEPHANIE, SHE IS AN ANGEL. When we were in the ambulance she finally started talking asking to get down. The hospital was crazy busy so we got a stretcher in the hallway, she had a CT scan where everything was normal, and we were home in two hours. She ate a 1/4 lb hamburger before we left the hospital. So i am really thanking God today, i do every day but i have thanked him 1000 times over, i have seen and heard so many stories from my hospital ER where kids hit their head, lose consciousness and either die from a bleed in their brain, or are vegetables for the rest of their lives. The nurse in me did not take over but the paramedic in Chris did, thank God the firehouse has an o2 tank, b/c it seemed like forever until the ambulance arrived.
So here is my sassy little girl acting silly when we got home with her Easter bucket over her head. THANK YOU GOD FOR LETTING THIS BE MINOR! THANK YOU STEPH FOR DROPPING EVERYTHING AND HELPING.
Monday, April 16, 2007
welcome spring
April 15 2007
okay i will be posting a couple of pics this was from when we went to the Mills and they were playing on the germy playground, i really like this picture b/c of all the colors in it, and i love Audrey in pigtails, i could just eat her up. Okay when she isn't sassy. LOL. not much has been going on since i last posted, i have been busy with talking to the expecting moms in my triplet group and trying to write updates for our newsletter, yikes. My new camera probably won't be here for awhile, we ordered it from one place and have issues with them so until the disputes get fixed i won't be like Amanda Johnson photography.

Friday, April 13, 2007
sisters forever
this picture isn't from today but i love this one b/c they look so much alike. Emma and Audrey follow each other around all the time. not don't get me wrong they will beat the crap out of one another also. today was another dreay day, i am extremely tired but i got to the gym at 6am this am to work out, go me. Then we went to the St. louis mills where i did strike some bargains at childrens place, i could have shopped alot more but when you have three two year olds with you shopping is like spending control. do you think Chris taught them what to do when we go shopping? Chris's friend John is making his debut in his new band tonight so here is to you John, good luck!

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