Thursday, December 20, 2007
on the run
Well no pics for tonight, we are off to the kids christmas play, they sing songs with hand gestures, Chris taught them a not correct hand gesture for we wish you a merry christmas that Emma was doing in the car on the way home from school, ughh lets hope she does the one the Christian school taught her, she also fell off the bleachers today at school but she is okay. I need to get on more gift card from AppleBees that i may just wait to get Christmas eve and then i am done, or maybe Chris can go get it. so wish us well.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
more pics from this weekend
i didn't get the camera out today, actually i was quite productive otherwise, we went to the gym, i cleaned, did laundry and mailed off my Christmas cards. i was supposed to work but they cancelled me due to overstaffing, fine by me, i am seriously thinking about being a SAHM when this baby arrives for awhile, i just can't do all this call and my hours plus have people on standby to watch four kids, we will see though. I am going to cross this bridge when the time comes. this evening we went to dinner with my mom and her friend Dea, we went to Maxwells' which is yummy, the kids behavior was something to be desired but they are three not twenty so i guess my expectations are too high, nobody in the restaurant even stared or looked at us so i'm sure they werent' as bad as they were in our minds. I think tomorrow i am going to call the dr's office and see why the sides of my mouth are cracking so bad, Chris even made a comment saying it looks like i have herpes, which i don't but when i wear lipstick it really looks even worse and more noticable, plus i am OVEREXHAUSTED and not doing all that much to be that tired, i thought the exercise would give me more energy but if it is i would hate to see how i feel with not exercising. Today at the gym after i did the elliptical thing i went to the bathroom and a little spotting again that only lasted one time, NO MORE elliptical, the treadmill doesn't cause that, and i'm not overexerting myself on it either.
and no more of not napping for the kids, last night was AWFUL, i bet i was up at least six times between Audrey and Christian, Audrey would cry out saying she had bad dreams which only seems to happen when she is sleep deprived, and who knows why Christian was up, twice he had to pee but his pullup was wet this am, i am glad that he is pottytrained but this waking up at night is for the birds, the past couple nights Audrey has taken her own self to the bathroom in the middle of the night, i really don't let them drink after 6, i guess they have our overactive bladders, LOL. oh well i am going to get in my jammies sit on the couch and study the inside of my eyelids, wish me restful sleep. WAS everybody this exhausted during their pregnancy or is it just chasing after kids?
and no more of not napping for the kids, last night was AWFUL, i bet i was up at least six times between Audrey and Christian, Audrey would cry out saying she had bad dreams which only seems to happen when she is sleep deprived, and who knows why Christian was up, twice he had to pee but his pullup was wet this am, i am glad that he is pottytrained but this waking up at night is for the birds, the past couple nights Audrey has taken her own self to the bathroom in the middle of the night, i really don't let them drink after 6, i guess they have our overactive bladders, LOL. oh well i am going to get in my jammies sit on the couch and study the inside of my eyelids, wish me restful sleep. WAS everybody this exhausted during their pregnancy or is it just chasing after kids?
Monday, December 17, 2007
snow days
okay the pictures i took at the firehouse are all blurry and just bad, even with trying to edit them i did awful, hopefully Stephanie got some decent pics of my kids. These are from when we came home from the firehouse, notice in the first pics my kids are not wearing hats, that is b/c they went immedieately from the van into the snow, they loved walking around in it. The second pic is of Emma throwing some sonow, they all picked up snow and were throwing it at each other, that was their idea not mine but it was hilarious. audrey is making a snow angel in the last picture. They love the snow and beg to go out and play in it, which is fun but it takes me twenty min to get them all dressed for outside, then after 20 min somebody is crying b/c they are cold, that is the only downfall to this weather, snow is cold when you fall in it.
Today we went to the gym, then we went to my MIL's to bake cookies, the kids were very good and we skipped naps, Emma was so tired that during our usual bedtime story she asked if she could go lay down in her bed, they were in bed by 715, i know early but they get up around 645 lately and with no nap i may be in for a disaster tomorrow. No spotting today thankfully. Thanks to Pam, Steph, and Lindsey for calling to check in on me, i appreciate that. I work tomorrow.
I am excited for thursday's MDO day, it will be a day of wrapping and house to myself, i am not going anywhere, i am going to veg in my house, can't wait. I love my kids to death but something about having the house empty for a couple hours is like heaven. I say that now and i will be running around like a mad woman on Thursday just out shopping with everybody else. I need to pay some bills now and just veg on the couch. I dont' know if it is pregnancy or if i am just not taking enough rest time but i am absolutely exhausted every night. My hands are even tired today.
good night.
Today we went to the gym, then we went to my MIL's to bake cookies, the kids were very good and we skipped naps, Emma was so tired that during our usual bedtime story she asked if she could go lay down in her bed, they were in bed by 715, i know early but they get up around 645 lately and with no nap i may be in for a disaster tomorrow. No spotting today thankfully. Thanks to Pam, Steph, and Lindsey for calling to check in on me, i appreciate that. I work tomorrow.
I am excited for thursday's MDO day, it will be a day of wrapping and house to myself, i am not going anywhere, i am going to veg in my house, can't wait. I love my kids to death but something about having the house empty for a couple hours is like heaven. I say that now and i will be running around like a mad woman on Thursday just out shopping with everybody else. I need to pay some bills now and just veg on the couch. I dont' know if it is pregnancy or if i am just not taking enough rest time but i am absolutely exhausted every night. My hands are even tired today.
good night.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
no pics today
i havent' downloaded the pics yet from the Santa breakfast and our two days of playing outside in the snow, i was going to do that this evening. Today was my work Chirstmas party, we met at Lotawatta Creek, i drank a ton of water and of course during my bathroom break noticed that i started spotting again. So i called L&D and i came home and rested, i thought i was having some contractions but after a ton more wateer, and i did drink ALOT today they seemed to stop. Not sure why i was spotting,nothing unusual, i guess just something to keep me on my toes. I also am experiencing more cracking on the sides of my mouth which i dont' think is good, i take my prenatal vitamin everynight so i don't know what else is missing.
We got three inches of snow and played yesterday and today, the kiddos had a ball, we built a snowman yesterday, the snow is so pretty and the roads are pretty safe. I think i finished my shopping also today thankfully, tomorrow during nap if i dont get called in i am going to wrap the kiddos presents.
oh well i am beat, its funny how shopping is tiring,LOL Hopefully one day my energy will come back.
We got three inches of snow and played yesterday and today, the kiddos had a ball, we built a snowman yesterday, the snow is so pretty and the roads are pretty safe. I think i finished my shopping also today thankfully, tomorrow during nap if i dont get called in i am going to wrap the kiddos presents.
oh well i am beat, its funny how shopping is tiring,LOL Hopefully one day my energy will come back.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
a Wicked night
Last night Sarah, Melissa, and I went to dinner at Simply fondue for cheese and chocolate, and then on to see Wicked. We had an awesome time, the show was phenomenal, our seats were awesome, i saw the performance two years agao and our seats were pretty far up and it was hard to see, but being able to totally see the show was awesome, for all you gals that want a girls night out next time Wicked comes to St. Louis let me know b/c i will be there. I was the designated driver, Sarah and Melissa had fun but poor Sarah had to go into work at 3am b/c she was on call and i think this brewing snowstorm brought out the babies, so i wonder if she even went home and slept, we didnt' get home until around 1130. This morning we are going to have breakfast with Santa so i better finish getting my kiddos ready. It is sleeting outside right now and the forecast says we may get up to 8 inches of snow so maybe that White Christmas will just be here. Have a great day.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Christmas photo shoot
last week i did my Christmas photo shoot, it went fairly well except i was rushed and now Audrey just smiles real goofy when you tell her to smile,and by the time i got to Christian the fire was hot and he said his back was hot and didnt' really cooperate. The kids spelled out JOY and Amanda designed our card, Stephanie was kind enough to upload to winkflash since my computer was acting stupid so now i just await the order to mail and send out. We haven't gotten all that many cards this year which ususally we do but i don't know if we aren't popular or if people are just getting them out later. Christian has some serious congestion issues that causes him to cough nonstop when he lays down, the treatments aren't working since it isn't an asthma issues this time.
Tonight i told Audrey to go pick up all her stuff well she came in Christian's room where we read a bedtime story every night and said" Well i picked up all my shit" i'm like what did you just say, "i didn't say nothing mamma. I need to watch what i say, i do say the s word alot and you can tell. oops. anyway i need to go yell at the girls Audrey says she has to potty for third time, and i am getting ticked off, she pottied already twice, and it is just a stall tactic trust me. Her and i butt heads like there is no tomorrow but i do love her. oh well i need to get her in bed and make sure she goes this time.
Tonight i told Audrey to go pick up all her stuff well she came in Christian's room where we read a bedtime story every night and said" Well i picked up all my shit" i'm like what did you just say, "i didn't say nothing mamma. I need to watch what i say, i do say the s word alot and you can tell. oops. anyway i need to go yell at the girls Audrey says she has to potty for third time, and i am getting ticked off, she pottied already twice, and it is just a stall tactic trust me. Her and i butt heads like there is no tomorrow but i do love her. oh well i need to get her in bed and make sure she goes this time.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
girls Christmas party
so Friday night was our annual girls Christmas party, first year in 2002 we just went to the melting pot in St. Louis, the next year we have been buying for a needy family since then, there are 9 or 10 of us, can't remember but two of us each buy for somebody, we get a wish list. Alana one of the girls in the group is a teacher at a grade school and she gets a family's name and then we go from there, we always have our party the first Friday in december, we eat, drink (well not this year for me) and wrap gifts, its always a good time with lots of laughs. The first picture is Jen an Cathy and the next pic was supposed to be a group pictures but Alana and Jamie got cut off from my camera, Tina and Beth couldn't make it due to previous plans but they were sadly missed. Saturday i had my mommes cookie exchange, i had to make 11 dozen cookies, why why why did i volunteer to do that. anyway we went to Tina who has the sextuplet's house, she toldme to bring the kiddos so i did and they had a fun time, so did I. i probably would volunteer to do it again. Last night was the Davis's annual Christmas party, that was also a fun time, i made an awesome dip that consisted of cream cheese and Harry and David's pepper relish, oh my gosh so good,then toay was a way lazy day.
ughh put the kiddos to bed early tongiht with no nap yesterday and a ten pm bedtime last night and Audrey is still in there screwing around, i just want her to go to sleep, i want to go to sleep but i can't b/c our rooms but up against each other. whatever. we are supposed to have freezing rain tonight bummer, and Christian is starting again with his cough so this should be a great night. oh well off to tell audrey to get her happy feet in bed so i am a happy mommy in the am. good night.
ughh put the kiddos to bed early tongiht with no nap yesterday and a ten pm bedtime last night and Audrey is still in there screwing around, i just want her to go to sleep, i want to go to sleep but i can't b/c our rooms but up against each other. whatever. we are supposed to have freezing rain tonight bummer, and Christian is starting again with his cough so this should be a great night. oh well off to tell audrey to get her happy feet in bed so i am a happy mommy in the am. good night.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
always horsin around
so this is what St. Nick brought the kiddos from my mom, Chris put it up tonight so i could see them ride it, Thursday is actually the day but they go to school and it would have been a fight to get them ready and out of the house by 910 that i didn't want to mess with it. The kids loved it and even took turns on their own, saying Emma its your turn now, they played with it from 630 till bed it even makes neigh sounds and galloping noises. Today we went to the gym around 4ish, otherwise i got my tooth fixed, half of it fell off and i need a crown, yuck. guess i should brush my teeth more than once a week,LOL. Tomorrow i am going to get a taste of what it is like with 4 kids, i am going to watch my friend Melissa's baby Ian, he is five months old, hope it goes well too late to turn back now. I am hoping to be out of the house by 845 so we can go to the gym,it at least gets the kids out and me a little energy for awhile. In the first picture is Audrey, i can t beleive how grown up she looks here, the second pic Emma and Christian were waving to each other. oh well better spend time with the hubby.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas past
so here is my attempt to blog everyday, i have't got the camera out today b/c i am trying to make reservations for our Diseny trip where to eat, apparently people book all these restaurants in advance so knowing where you will be with three three year olds in advance is a real piece of work. i had my dr's appt today, it went fine baby's heartbeat is 145, 7lb total weight gain, i think it is in my boobs, and apparently my platelets are low, so now i have diagnosed myself with leukemia. They will recheck them at the next appt.
Christian is doing much better, a little hyper from either A being cooped up or B from the steroids, i just talked to his asthma specialist and he said give him one more dose of steroids tomorrow and then we can stop them, woohoo. Last night everybody was conked out, i went to bed at 10pm and woke up when the clock said 7, pretty good for a preggo woman who pees all the time at night, i hope i didnt' wet the bed. i work tonight, Wed and Thursday so should fly by this week. Here are pictures from their first Christmas, that is my moms cats head in the picture, John is playing Santa Claus, Audrey is in the middle. in the first picutre L to R, Emma Christian and Audrey, second pic is Emma, Audrey and Christian.
oh well off to watch Cailou with the kiddos
Christian is doing much better, a little hyper from either A being cooped up or B from the steroids, i just talked to his asthma specialist and he said give him one more dose of steroids tomorrow and then we can stop them, woohoo. Last night everybody was conked out, i went to bed at 10pm and woke up when the clock said 7, pretty good for a preggo woman who pees all the time at night, i hope i didnt' wet the bed. i work tonight, Wed and Thursday so should fly by this week. Here are pictures from their first Christmas, that is my moms cats head in the picture, John is playing Santa Claus, Audrey is in the middle. in the first picutre L to R, Emma Christian and Audrey, second pic is Emma, Audrey and Christian.
oh well off to watch Cailou with the kiddos

Sunday, December 2, 2007
my favorite things
so i lit the fireplace on Friday it was cold and i love a fire, well the kids liked it except for Emma, she said No it is going to be hot" then Audrey and Emma were worried that Santa would get burned when he came down the fireplace, i proceeded to tell them that we won;t turn it on that night. a eventful weekend, somehow i got a ton of energy on SAturday and baked 8 dozen cookies for my cookie exchange, did a buttload of laundry and organized a drawer, then i was trying to cook dinner when Chris is wanting me to check our alarm system (we had issues friday night) so then i lost it and he took the kids out of the house so i could have some peace and quiet. Thank you honey,i appreciated a quiet house just wish i didn't have to go crazy psycho preggo woman over the whole thing.
Christian started coughing yesterday so right away i started his meds, well he coughed all night and by 300 am was gasping for air, Chris took him to the ER since i was exhasuted and so dizzy i couldn't stand without wanting to fall over, of course i couldn't sleep while he was gone and then had to get up with the kids at 7, luckily my mom came over so i could get a little sleep in, then i took a 2.5 hour nap this afternoon. I have a Dr's appt tomorrow so i better shave my legs, i hate shaving me legs and feel that i am providing extra warmth to me for the winter.
this is not their Christmas picture b/c they are looking goofy.
Christian started coughing yesterday so right away i started his meds, well he coughed all night and by 300 am was gasping for air, Chris took him to the ER since i was exhasuted and so dizzy i couldn't stand without wanting to fall over, of course i couldn't sleep while he was gone and then had to get up with the kids at 7, luckily my mom came over so i could get a little sleep in, then i took a 2.5 hour nap this afternoon. I have a Dr's appt tomorrow so i better shave my legs, i hate shaving me legs and feel that i am providing extra warmth to me for the winter.
this is not their Christmas picture b/c they are looking goofy.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
back in the swing of things
okay i am hoping to get out my camera every day now, or at least blog b/c otherwise what would there be to read. LOL Emma has been such a moody little pill lately i am really ready to just blow, she throws massive tantrums and is so sassy, she hasn't been like this and i think that it really is testing me. We had a nice thanksgiving, i worked but had a nice morning. We also bought a new minivan i pick it up tomorrow, gulp i want to throw up but with baby boy on the way we need four tether anchors so my kids safety comes first, so much for that new Porsche i was hoping for. I took the kids outside this afternoon since it was somewhat nice and here are the pictures. The first is Audrey, for once she looks at the camera, and the next picture i told them i needed to send to Santa, then we blew bubbles and just had a fun day. we do have a nasty stomach virus running through our house so i have been doing laundry like a mad woman, luckily it is just diarrhea but it was easier to clean up when they wre still in diapers. OH and good news my boy finally had that lightbulb moment a couple of weeks ago and goes on the potty, i am a firm believer in waiting till they are three when there are three of them. I f they aren't ready they just arent' ready and i tried earlier in Sept and he just wasn't ready. tomorrow is my triplet moms group dinner in MO at Chesterfield Mall at cheesecake factory, yummy so glad i am not feeling like crap any more, just extremely tired. Good night.
Friday, November 16, 2007
attempt at a self portrati
okay so i wanted to do a belly shot/self portrait but i just look washed out and frumpy. oh well i will have Chris do a belly shot when he gets home from deer hunting on Sunday. tonight we went to dinner with the Davis's, McGuires, Scott's and me and the kiddos. some man ended up picking up every one's tab at our table, we didnt' know him he told the waitress that he enjoyed seeing families together. IT gave me chills, when our kids get older i want to do something like that for people, that was so nice so thank you angel. tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to and then i am going to an engagement party in the evening childless. chris said he may come home tomorrow but i won't hold my breath. Christian finally got the lightbulb moment and is peeing on the potty, he is pooping on my floor but i know that will come with time. well he is peeing while sitting on the toilet, my floors and walls are getting the majority of pee.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
a lazy weekend
not much new to tell here, this weekend we have been lazy, the kids have watched alot of movies, Chris mowed grass yesterday so we couldn't go outside, Christian is having an exacerbation with his asthma and honestly at night again i won't be surprised if we wind up in the ER, during the day he is okay at night he coughs so much that he can't sleep and he has been wheezing at times which isnt' good. He is on every four hour treatments again and his coughmedicine so i hope he gets better without a hospital visit. in the bottom picture he wanted to dance with Audrey in Barbie and the Island Princess, he loves dancing with her, he does look nice in pink LOL. The middle pic is Emma she is quite the diva lately and cries if she doesn't get her way, this am i told her no and she spit at me, ohhh i was so mad i put soap in her mouth, if it sounds mean it may be but i don;t want my 6 year old sassing me and i was afraid if i put her in time out and had to touch her i feared for her safety, my sanity was gone at that point. I am feeling better for the most part, just in a funk. Cathy came over Friday night, the kids love her so much and it was nice to just sit and visit and chill, we don't get many visitors without leaving the house. I guess my funk is working so much, i am completely exhausted at the end of the day and feel like i really don't have time for much other than my family. oh well off to give another treatment, i hear a coughing boy calling me. the kids are watching Rudolph now,i love Christmas!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Happy 70th birthday Grumpy
Saturday they had a surprise bday party for my FIL and here are the pics, the kids had a ball dancing as you can see,, and i absoluetly adore these dresses on the girls. my cousin bought them from a home boutique in Chicago and i think i am going to order them another one, they wash great and i am not afraid to let them wear them. check out anyway check below for another poost. off to the gym and then to the park to meet my friend Becky.
trick or treat
finally i have energy but not alot of time, we are off to the gym this am (hooray) i am in the clear and the kids noses are not running but will be i'm sure by tomorrow from being exposed to the gym, LOL. anyway the kids had a blast trick or treating, we were out for 2 hours which is a long time and alot of walking, the lots are so big in our neighborhood and you dont' want to walk on peoples grass so you have to walk up the driveway and around to the sidewalk, a couple culdesacs were grouped together and had their candy on a table which was nice. Our next door neighbor who works for AB had a cooler filled with beer outside for the adults as you can see i took a picture, i really wanted a beer. oh well i need to get dressed for the gym.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
too lazy to upload pics
hey all,not much new here, a busy busy weekend, tonght was my FIL 70th bday party which the kids had so much fun. on the way home every stop sign Audrey would shout out "STop now, that is a stop sign and you need to stop" hello she is three not ten, then after i would stop she would say"Honey you can go now" , dont' know where she learned that from. i am coming down with a sore throat, i am achy,, and my lymph nodes in my neck are swollen, i felt like i had a low grade temp earlier so off to bed for me, tomorrow i think i will post some pictures. off to switch the first of 7 loads of laundry and finish washing dishes. good night.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
getting ready for trick or treat
so no pictures today as i was getting the costumes ready for tomorrow the kids have their party at school and they have to be dressed to parade arund the houses by school. i broke down and bought maternity pants today, my jeans just dont' zip anymore well not without laying down on the bed and jumping around the room followed by two sets of 12 squats, you know we have all had those moments. LOL so i have just decided i just look fat right now, and am depressed hello i want the baby bump to stick out, now it just looks like i have baby got back, that song keeps going through my head. I will post a belly shot i think once i have Chris take one, maybe tomorrow since i will be twelve weeks. My friend Kim is going to do a hush hush ultrasound on friday, Pam dont' say a word, and hopefully be able to tell what this little bean is. any guesses?
so here is one more beach picture, Christian was so engrossed in thought i couldnt' resist. be prepared to be overloaded from tomorrow.
Also Happy Birthday to Cole Johnson, hard to believe you are one year old,hope your birthday was full of big boy grins and giggles.
Also congrats to the Reuss Family who decided to join the family of six or more club, Lindsey and her husband have triplets who are 16 months old and will be the big siblings around June 20th. Hope your all day feeling like crap leaves you,it really really sucks. Lindsey and i will be the only sober ones at our MOMMES dinners, cant' wait already for a margarita!
so here is one more beach picture, Christian was so engrossed in thought i couldnt' resist. be prepared to be overloaded from tomorrow.
Also Happy Birthday to Cole Johnson, hard to believe you are one year old,hope your birthday was full of big boy grins and giggles.
Also congrats to the Reuss Family who decided to join the family of six or more club, Lindsey and her husband have triplets who are 16 months old and will be the big siblings around June 20th. Hope your all day feeling like crap leaves you,it really really sucks. Lindsey and i will be the only sober ones at our MOMMES dinners, cant' wait already for a margarita!
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