okay here is my weekly photo challenge, its not very creative but when you have a severe deficit of sleep you get what you can take. today when swimming i realized i needed to get a round picture for the photo challenge that my fellow bloggers are particitpating in, well i looked and there was the water hookup so i took a pic of it and did some photo editing. not my fav but at least i participated. i am soooooo tired, we went swimming today for almost three hours and i am beat, i tooka two hour nap and feel better but i am going to bed at 9 pm, i have to work Sat and Sunday also, y ikes. i am not super b#%%# like i thought i would be but i am tired and about to have a nervous breakdown due to lack of sleep, good night.
Hi Dana, Thank you for your comments...I'm learning..
Very nice photo it fills the bill perfectly...It's round!
Cute babies!
Hey, Dana! Way to participate girl....even when sleep deprived. I'm on my way to post my challenge photos after I check out everyone else's! LOL. I am disappointed in myself this week as well, but hey, we participated right?! And I think you did a fabulous job, what with being all sleep deprived and having 2 y/o triplets! LOL. I am going to vow to do better next week! We've had company for a week, and things have been a bit hectic around here. Okay, I've written a novel...gotta run! Don't work too hard this weekend!
Great round photo you remembered that is the point right. And you took time out of your day to post. Blogger is being weird mine still hasn't posted yet and I did it about 3 hours ago.
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