this morning i took the kiddos outside b/c i was going to the baseball game later so i thought 930 am it wont be that bad, wrong, it is so humid. so the kids did play i didn't melt from the heat but i sure have one heck of a headache. the girls were riding their bikes this am. the next two pics are cute b/c i gave them popsicles and Audrey went and sat down by Christian, now these two fight like cats and dogs but they do show love for each other sometimes. then i was asked by my friend Cathy to go to the baseball game, free tickets, free food, and free beer but i didnt' drink cause i thought i had to work, and best part it was in the suite so i got to sit in ac and eat some great free food. i brought my camera to get some photos for the challenge and when i went to take a pic it said no CF card, ughhhh. anyway i had a blast and then we were low census finally so i got to take the whole evening off, after working like a dog this past week, i realized i pushed myself a little too much and my kids behavior was showing that mommy wasn't home alot. Christain was a stinker when Amanda and Bill visited, i mean he was wild, the wild that he was when he was on steroids from having an asthma exacerbation. i havent seen him that rough and wild, and frankly i didn't like it at all. I was super embarrassed b/c my child was out of control. HOnestly Amanda i have never seen him like that without steroids and i apologize. so anyway i am going to veg, it is much needed.

I still can't believe that sweet Christian was acting the way he was. Cute pics of the kiddos. Not very often that you see them together like that. (Audrey & Christian)
It happens to the best of us, Dana....our kids acting out of control, I mean. Riley is a sweet kiddo, but he sure can have his moments (and sometimes even days!). It is embarrassing, but if any mother is completely honest with herself she knows that she herself has been embarrassed by the actions her child at some point in time! Why, Amanda had sweet little Parker up or sale not too long ago, remember?! Don't think I haven't thought about listing Riley on ebay a time or two! LOL. Glad you got the night off and can take some time to recuperate.
Cute popsicle pics!
He probably thought you were going to leave with them!!! I think it takes a special mommy to be able to handle boys (I told Kim Keck that last night) She has two very typical boys!!! They are sweet but BOYS!! I love those popsicle pictures !!!
No need to apologize...boys will be boys as they say. I have two of them so it doesn't surprise me at all. Yay for some time off...you busy woman. Cute pictures too. Wish we could have stayed and played longer...maybe next time.
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