Tuesday, November 27, 2007
back in the swing of things
okay i am hoping to get out my camera every day now, or at least blog b/c otherwise what would there be to read. LOL Emma has been such a moody little pill lately i am really ready to just blow, she throws massive tantrums and is so sassy, she hasn't been like this and i think that it really is testing me. We had a nice thanksgiving, i worked but had a nice morning. We also bought a new minivan i pick it up tomorrow, gulp i want to throw up but with baby boy on the way we need four tether anchors so my kids safety comes first, so much for that new Porsche i was hoping for. I took the kids outside this afternoon since it was somewhat nice and here are the pictures. The first is Audrey, for once she looks at the camera, and the next picture i told them i needed to send to Santa, then we blew bubbles and just had a fun day. we do have a nasty stomach virus running through our house so i have been doing laundry like a mad woman, luckily it is just diarrhea but it was easier to clean up when they wre still in diapers. OH and good news my boy finally had that lightbulb moment a couple of weeks ago and goes on the potty, i am a firm believer in waiting till they are three when there are three of them. I f they aren't ready they just arent' ready and i tried earlier in Sept and he just wasn't ready. tomorrow is my triplet moms group dinner in MO at Chesterfield Mall at cheesecake factory, yummy so glad i am not feeling like crap any more, just extremely tired. Good night.
Friday, November 16, 2007
attempt at a self portrati
okay so i wanted to do a belly shot/self portrait but i just look washed out and frumpy. oh well i will have Chris do a belly shot when he gets home from deer hunting on Sunday. tonight we went to dinner with the Davis's, McGuires, Scott's and me and the kiddos. some man ended up picking up every one's tab at our table, we didnt' know him he told the waitress that he enjoyed seeing families together. IT gave me chills, when our kids get older i want to do something like that for people, that was so nice so thank you angel. tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to and then i am going to an engagement party in the evening childless. chris said he may come home tomorrow but i won't hold my breath. Christian finally got the lightbulb moment and is peeing on the potty, he is pooping on my floor but i know that will come with time. well he is peeing while sitting on the toilet, my floors and walls are getting the majority of pee.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
a lazy weekend
not much new to tell here, this weekend we have been lazy, the kids have watched alot of movies, Chris mowed grass yesterday so we couldn't go outside, Christian is having an exacerbation with his asthma and honestly at night again i won't be surprised if we wind up in the ER, during the day he is okay at night he coughs so much that he can't sleep and he has been wheezing at times which isnt' good. He is on every four hour treatments again and his coughmedicine so i hope he gets better without a hospital visit. in the bottom picture he wanted to dance with Audrey in Barbie and the Island Princess, he loves dancing with her, he does look nice in pink LOL. The middle pic is Emma she is quite the diva lately and cries if she doesn't get her way, this am i told her no and she spit at me, ohhh i was so mad i put soap in her mouth, if it sounds mean it may be but i don;t want my 6 year old sassing me and i was afraid if i put her in time out and had to touch her i feared for her safety, my sanity was gone at that point. I am feeling better for the most part, just in a funk. Cathy came over Friday night, the kids love her so much and it was nice to just sit and visit and chill, we don't get many visitors without leaving the house. I guess my funk is working so much, i am completely exhausted at the end of the day and feel like i really don't have time for much other than my family. oh well off to give another treatment, i hear a coughing boy calling me. the kids are watching Rudolph now,i love Christmas!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Happy 70th birthday Grumpy
Saturday they had a surprise bday party for my FIL and here are the pics, the kids had a ball dancing as you can see,, and i absoluetly adore these dresses on the girls. my cousin bought them from a home boutique in Chicago and i think i am going to order them another one, they wash great and i am not afraid to let them wear them. check out www.cherishedpear.com anyway check below for another poost. off to the gym and then to the park to meet my friend Becky.
trick or treat
finally i have energy but not alot of time, we are off to the gym this am (hooray) i am in the clear and the kids noses are not running but will be i'm sure by tomorrow from being exposed to the gym, LOL. anyway the kids had a blast trick or treating, we were out for 2 hours which is a long time and alot of walking, the lots are so big in our neighborhood and you dont' want to walk on peoples grass so you have to walk up the driveway and around to the sidewalk, a couple culdesacs were grouped together and had their candy on a table which was nice. Our next door neighbor who works for AB had a cooler filled with beer outside for the adults as you can see i took a picture, i really wanted a beer. oh well i need to get dressed for the gym.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
too lazy to upload pics
hey all,not much new here, a busy busy weekend, tonght was my FIL 70th bday party which the kids had so much fun. on the way home every stop sign Audrey would shout out "STop now, that is a stop sign and you need to stop" hello she is three not ten, then after i would stop she would say"Honey you can go now" , dont' know where she learned that from. i am coming down with a sore throat, i am achy,, and my lymph nodes in my neck are swollen, i felt like i had a low grade temp earlier so off to bed for me, tomorrow i think i will post some pictures. off to switch the first of 7 loads of laundry and finish washing dishes. good night.
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