Wednesday, October 22, 2008
pumpking carving and pimp daddy
Chris carved a pumpkin with the kids last night, the girls loved digging in the pumpkin and Christian's usual response was "i don't love that", i haven't seen the pumpkin yet, for some reason it is in our f r
eezer, isn't that where you all keepy your pumpkins? Actually Chris is waiting until the ribbon cutting ceremony or something i dont' know. today i am wore out Stephanie stopped by and i think she was speechless when she saw the disaster the tornado left when it went thru our living room, part of the dissaster was the laundry which Hayden is sitting on, can you spy Hayden? I spy ALOT of laundry that is for sure. Today i cooked dinner again, did the kids pumpkin craft for school, made pumpkin seeds, tended to a fussy baby who freaked every time i left the room, and went to the gym, and ended up giving the kids a bath since Chris was on a fire call, ugghh i am tired, doing three sets of homework with kids who want help NOW is a little tough at times but i guess this gives us practice for a couple years down the road. Also itonight i had this little track suit on hayden with the hat i unitentionally borrowed from Target (long story) and Chris said he looked like a little rapper so we put the bling on Hayden and snapped away, anybody needing a new pimp can borrow Hayden but you have to return him for dinner! OFf to bed i am whooped.
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Well, isn't he just 'Big Pimpin" Now that song is in my head. I agree, if you do go back to work more, you may keep your sanity. You like it for the adult time alone!
I don't understand the pumpkin freezer thing either...
I was speechless but it was due to the fact that I couldn't do what you do and stay sane and be a great mommy like you!
LOL, Hayden is sure enjoying being a pimp. Is that his halloween costume this year? Ya know, most parents go for like a pumpkin or sweet pea when their kids are babies! I'm sure you'd get a few laughs that's for sure.
I've been MIA from everyone's blogs lately, but wow!! Hayden grew up! he is such a little cutie pie!!!
Wow, Hayden has really grown!! I thought my nephew had some big, dark eyes, but your Hayden may just have him beat! He's adorable. Riley loves looking at those toy catalogs too. It wouldn't do any good to have him cut the pics out and glue to paper....he wants it all! He may just be disappointed!
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