Monday, October 27, 2008
not my mug shot
On Saturday i ran my first 5K, woohoo, it has been a goal of mine for about 4 years but i never could do it b/c i would train to fast and end up hurting my bad knee, well this time i followed directions from and viola a goal has been accomplished. It was one of the hardest activities to do in my life and trust me i have been an avid exerciser for the last 10 years but i trained my body to do it and it did. The last 1/2 mile was pretty intense with just being tired, sweaty and cold, and a BIG hill but Cathy and i finished in 34 min and 25 seconds. Cathy said i was a fast runner and she didn't anticipate finishing in that time frame, she said you have no slow speed. Let me tell you i am still on a high horse from it and am most likely going to do another 5K in two weeks. Then i am done b/c i don't like to run in the cold but i will do more in the future but you won't see me doing any full marathoons unless i start smoking some crack again, LOL. Saturday night Chris and i went out without kids to celebrate my run and that was fun but by 10pm i was ready for bed, heck i am still tired and a little sore from Saturday. Anyway Cathy and i didn't get any pics of us before the run, no place to put the camera so chris took the pic of me that evening with my number. Today me and the kids did our storytime at Barnes and Noble and then came home, Christian loves to look at books, toy magazines, you name it so i had three toys r us big books and told the kids to cut out pics for their wish list from Santa and glue it on a piece of paper, they thought that was pretty cool. Tonight Chris and i got to watch the girls at tap/ballet and i forgot my camera but Chris did take pics with his camera phone. We only get to watch a total of four times, the next time i think is in December. The weather is nuts, it is supposed to freeze tonight and then be 68 on Friday, whatever as long as it is semi decent on Halloween i don't care. oh well i think i am headed for bed, getting my hair cut and colored tomorrow, i would post a pic but i am not going to have her style it since i will be going to the gym tomorrow night and don't want to waste the cute hair do to only get sweaty.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
pumpking carving and pimp daddy
Chris carved a pumpkin with the kids last night, the girls loved digging in the pumpkin and Christian's usual response was "i don't love that", i haven't seen the pumpkin yet, for some reason it is in our f r
eezer, isn't that where you all keepy your pumpkins? Actually Chris is waiting until the ribbon cutting ceremony or something i dont' know. today i am wore out Stephanie stopped by and i think she was speechless when she saw the disaster the tornado left when it went thru our living room, part of the dissaster was the laundry which Hayden is sitting on, can you spy Hayden? I spy ALOT of laundry that is for sure. Today i cooked dinner again, did the kids pumpkin craft for school, made pumpkin seeds, tended to a fussy baby who freaked every time i left the room, and went to the gym, and ended up giving the kids a bath since Chris was on a fire call, ugghh i am tired, doing three sets of homework with kids who want help NOW is a little tough at times but i guess this gives us practice for a couple years down the road. Also itonight i had this little track suit on hayden with the hat i unitentionally borrowed from Target (long story) and Chris said he looked like a little rapper so we put the bling on Hayden and snapped away, anybody needing a new pimp can borrow Hayden but you have to return him for dinner! OFf to bed i am whooped.
Monday, October 20, 2008
latest pictures
i dont' know why but i have been not posting lately, i check everybody else's blog for updated pics but for some reason am too lazy too post. Not much new here, i do have a new addiction and that is facebook. Last week we went pumpkin picking with the kids MDO, they had fun but yo
u had to get small pumpkins for school, so we went to Farmers Market on Sat with the whole family and got a larger one. I should take Hayden to Eckerts to get his picture and maybe i will but i am lazy lately and like to do nothing but stay at home when the kids are in school. Hayden is sleeping much better knock on wood, watch him make a liar out of me tonight, he will sleep from 730-8 till around 330-4, pretty good sleep for me. i can handle that. The triplets are doing great, it amazes me how independent they are getting, they get themselves dressed, buckled in thier carseats well the top part. the past two Mondays we have gone to Barnes and Noble for storytime which they seem to enjoy and Hayden loves to watch the kids sing songs, he jumps around and yells, it is too funny. Christian and i have been butting heads nonstop, ughhhhh he has been testing my patience and my patience is wearing thin, i think i say multiple prayers daily to have stregnth to not lose my cool. Christian has always been a mommas boy and whatever mom said usually was good but woohoa times have changed. The kids are getting so funny, this morning Emma told Audrey she needed to get back b/c her breath was stinky, too funny, and also last week Audrey called Emma a not so nice name, ughh. Work is going well, i am considering going back regular staff after the new year, again i am considering it, it will probably be 12 hour nights, which i don't really want but if a door opens i will take it. It is something i struggle weekly with and sometimes i think i am a better parent if i am working a little more.ughh it makes my stomach turn even thinking about it. Plesae say a little prayer Saturday is my first 5K ever, i am running it with my best friend Cathy, and another friend Lisa, so nervous about it though. That also makes my stomach turn, but this has been a goal of mine for a long time coming so if i can finish i will be so proud. I think i can i think i can. oh well enjoy the pics of my cute kids, LOL
Monday, October 6, 2008
5 months
Hayden is 5 months today and as usual i am putting his photos up. He is the happiest baby and i think the cutest baby ever. My cousin gave us the doorway jumper thing and the kid LOVES it, he loves to bounce. I need to also get the jumperoo Jen loaned me out, keep forgetting about that one also. Hayden loves his brother and sisters, especially Audrey she can get him giggling in no time. tonight for instance on our way to dance she was looking at him giggling and he was cracking up out loud, it was so cute. Its something i can't explain to those who have one child but when you see a special moment between siblings in gives me the goose bumps. Today i also witnessed the neighbor boy Zach run up to the kids through the fence and give them a great big hug when he got home from school, it was really touching how much the two older neighbor kids love my kids. Hayden is still quite the momma's boy which is fine by me. today we went to the park with Lindsey, and her kids. Cooper and Hayden were just grinning and talking to one another it was so cute, i was afraid for one minute that Cooper was going to try and eat Hayden, just kidding. I love Cooper's feet they are so chubby and he is a happy baby also, i guess they have to be when they have three other kids to compete with,you just got to go with the flow. For those of you who like easy recipes, i made one tonight. You take a beef roast, 1 cup of A-1, and some salt,pepper and garlic powder and throw it in the crock pot unitl done, it was really good, i do have to say i love the kraftfoods website super easy. I also made whole wheat pasta with feta cheese and fat free good seasons italian dressing, the kids loved it and it is really good for you also. Got my print of the kids feet framed and picked it up tonight and it is FABULOUS. i will take a pic tomorrow although the picture will do the finished product no justice but it turned out great, for those of you that come over sometimes you will have to come soon to see it,i will be offering half price admission for a limited time. and i may just offer you a glass of the Hallowine once my supplier comes through. i tried some of this Hallowine on Saturday and this stuff rocks you can supposedly only get it in Columbia or Troy so i have a connection and hopefully she comes through soon,i am dying here.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
busy weekend
for some reason i love fall just b/c the summer is so busy that finally in the fall we usually slow down, but recently that hasn't been the case. last w
eek at work was INSANE, i ended up getting called in twice plus my usual hours, by Friday night i was beat. plus Hayden's nights were something to be desired so i am still tired. Friday night after i got off work Chris's mom watched the kids while we went to the chili cook off, needless to say i was pretty crabby and didn't want to go i wanted to go to bed but after we got there i had a good time. Saturday my boss had an Octoberfest at her house with a blues band, unfortunatley i didn't get to hear the band but i did go for a little while and had a good time, i wish i could have stayed but we had a wedding. the triplets stayed at my moms and Hayden came with us, the wedding was very nice and they had a fill your own candy station for favors which was super cool, plus they had wine which i enjoyed one glass. today while Hayden napped me and the kids played outside, they rode thier bikes, rollerskated and Emma had a meltdown at which she is pouting in the pic below. THey didn't go to bed till 10 last night and was up at 630 so they are kind of tired, i think i will have three sleeping kids during rest time today. hopefully we will slow down soon.
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