okay i can't find any pics of Chris b/c of the computer crash/ new computer switch out so i just wanted to wish Chris a Happy Fathers Day and it is also our 6 year anniversary. We went to his parents for lunch and then tonight Chris made shrimp on the grill, we were giong to go out to eat but Chris said lets just cook at home so we did. Hayden decided not to sleep between 1-4 this am so i am beat, i think I read 6 weeks is a growth spurt and i guess he is getting ready for it,LOL. Tomorrow i plan on heading to the gym, Tuesday my man will be 6 weeks old, so hard to beleive and i can't imagine him not in our life. Christian yesterday told me "mom you are driving me nuts" cracked me up b/c i am sure i have said it to him. Finally this week is supposed to be nice and cool weather so i think a trip to the zoo or else Grants FArm is on the iteniary. Not much new here still doing well with my weight watchers although the last two days i kind of been not as good, i still am in weekly points by far but i never used my add'l points before, some Oreos were calling my name last night. Oh well off to watch the brith of Hayden, haven't seen it yet. oh and he looks exactly like Christian as a baby!

Happy Father's Day and Happy Anniversary! Did you even think 6 years ago as you said I do that you would be a family of 6, 6 years later?
Oh wow that is odd ... the perfect 6th annoversary gift. Happy DAY today!!
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