Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Starting the day with a smile
so i have known from day one that Hayden would be advanced, he smiled early last week, then again on Saturday, and then this am he was just gummy grins and i was lucky enough to catch it on camera. He smiled at christian this am it was adorable. Notice his double chin here. Today we ventured off to Grants Farm and it was sooooo crowded, the weather was decent and the kids had fun, then we wen't to our favorite ice cream place on the way home. Even with all my points i get with weight watchers i hope i dont go over them with dinner tonight just being a salad, but i still have my weekly points that i hardly ever use. Yesterday was my 6 week check up, my dr didn't seem to reassuring that this extra skin will get a little firmer,, but other people i talked to says it will eventually get better, i may never have my flat stomach back but i at least want to wear my old pants again. I have decided to have a tubal ligation (tubes tied) it is effective immediately and by the time Chris gets into a surgeon then schedules surgery we may have 3 more kids by then, LOL. So today they scheduled it for July 21st at 0730 am, yeah i get to be there at 530am, can't wait. I need to find out how the anesthesia will affect my breastmilk, i think it will be fine since other people get it done while in the hospital who had vaginal births and can still breastfeed. I have a nice supply built in the freezer already. off to take the kiddos outside before it gets scorching hot. Also wanted to say congrats to the Reuss family on their new addtion to the family, he is sure a cutie!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers Day and Happy Anniversary
Monday, June 9, 2008
two days in a row
okay so i think we are starting to get some consistency in our routine, or else i am getting used to juggling my time. Today while Hayden was snoozing we went outside and played, i pushed the kids in their new big kid swings Emma is doing good at pumping her legs for a couple of minutes, but for right now i do have fun pushung them. tomorrow they start back to school, i think i actually am just going to hang out at home and enjoy one on one time with my new baby. i found out today that july 1 will be my first day back at work. i do enjoy staying at home but am finding it hard to ask chris for help since i am not working or pregnant. when i get back to work hopefully i can delegate a lot better.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
the heat is on
wow we went from winter to summer, i think the high today is like 94 degrees and the humidity is killing. This am Chris blew up thier pool and they played outside for a couple of hours. Emma was laying on her towel most of the time i don't know why so that is why the first and last pics are of her. the middle is Audrey, i bought them spray bottles and let me tell you they love them and enteratins them for hours so buy your kids a spray bottle and watch them enjoy. Not much new here we went to a wine and jazz festival last night in downtown Belleville, it was pretty cool, luckily chris davis let me sample wine with him for free, i tired some wine that was 19% alcohol and it was so strong, i took one drink and i thought i can't drink this and breastfeed plus it was just gross. Tonight we are having shrimp on the grill it is our new fav, Chris gets this Weber sesasoning mango lime grill that is so good and he makes kabobs, great meal and low fat, then i think we will head to Dairyhaven in Caseyville for some yummy ice cream tonight. I am glad Chris is in a better mood b/c yesterday he was just a bear, ughh i think we were getting on each others last nerve. oh well teh kids are outside again on their slip and slide so back outside i go, they will be worn out tonight.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
one month old
yesterday Hayden was one month old, i took this pic yesterday but was too tired last night to post it. My little man is becoming an infant instead of a newborn. He weighs 7lb7oz and is now 21 1.2 inches long. He stays awake for longer periods of time and is starting to focus on your eyes when you talk to him. He also LOVES to eat and eats frequently but often falls asleep while eating. I am not going to attempt to get him on a schedule until he turns six weeks since my i am still establishing my milk supply and breastfed babies can not overeat so Hayden rules his schedule right now. The kids love him still and everytime he cries Emma says i think he wants booby milk again. Last week I told her daddy went to feed Uncle John's dogs and she asked if they needed my booby milk too, uh i don't think so. Wednesday i took the kids swimming with steph and Maggie, they had a blast, it was nice to have one on triplet time. i am on the road to getting my figure back, i started weight watchers last week, and i have to eat a ton of food, which is great since i amalways hungry. i think i will get back to walking 5 days a week next week. life is still busy but as i am realizing the dishes and laundry will always be there my kiddos will not always be wanting me to play with them and think i am
the worlds coolest person.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
busy weekend
Last weekend was the Shriners parade on Friday night, so we sat with the Springers and the Reuss's. The kids loved the parade, i loved watching all the kids excitement during the parade, okay and the fact that i could drink a cold beer, Hayden slept through the parade. the first picture is of Lucas with the cotton candy bucket on his head and my kids laughing at him, the next picture is all the kids together, that was a hard picture to get with everyone looking. On Saturday after going to dinner with my mom Chris went to target and bought the kids fishing poles, Emma and Audrey got a Barbie one and christian got superman. Sunday we went to Diego animal rescue at the Fox and the kids loved it, then we came home and went fishing. Chris didnt have time to go buy worms so we used corn and it worked, i just thought he was out on a limb suggesting it but it worked, all the kids caught a fish and once the neighbor girl started playing with the kids they lost interest in fishing . We didn't get a pic of Audrey with her fish b/c it swallowed the hook and Chris was playing surgeon at the time while i was helping Emmma reel in her fish. Needless to say i don't like to fish, it was hot outside and i don't like getting the fish off the hooks, call me prissy if you will but i prefer fishing for good bargains at the mall! Today my aunt came over and now all the kids are napping, it is heaven, i wasn't going to let the t riplets nap but they were once again pissy and i think a nonstop weekend and just the humidity and heat outside is wearing them out. Off to attempt to get my workout in, i'm sure it won't last long. two more weeks and i can go to the gym.
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