Thursday, April 30, 2009
Happy Birthday (early) Hayden
Since I won't be able to blog on his actually bday I am making this my wish for Hayden. He will be the big one year old on the 6th of May, my how time has flown by. I can't even explain how blessed I have been for all my kids but the joy of experiencing a singleton has been absolutely wonderful, I am noticing his quirks so much earlier than I noticed the triplets, I think b/c I actually have the time to see them, he screams when he doesn't get what he wants, Steph can attest to that b/c she has heard him numerous time while on the phone with me, its like this ear piercing shriek, now Hayden will bat his eyes at you while eating and it is all i can do not to laugh. He is not walking yet and thats okay b/c i think i will have one busy baby on my hands. He loves his brother and sisters and his face lights up when he sees them. We will be celebrating his party at the park in one week, I think i might have smoked some crack having his party after a big trip but oh well. The kiddos are doing great, they have been loving this weather outside and frankly I am also. I am going to a plastic surgeon for the crazy spot on my nose and am eager to get the results from that, i also have started getting up at the crack of dawn, today for instance after i fed Hayden at 415 I was up and could not fall asleep, so here i sit. I am a little freaked out about this swine flu thing, they had a confirmed case from a visitor in Disney, and I keep praying for us to stay illness free so please pray for us. Work apparently is overloaded with calls about the swine flu and the allergies flaring up, I could have made some big bucks this weekend at work but I'm sure there will always be time for that.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter pics
Not much new here again except the crazy weather, the weather was less than stellar on Sunday but at least we didn't have to wear our winter coats like the past two Easters. sunday am we started off at 9am mass, well that was crowded and we ended up in the cry room which i think our kids were one of the best behaved,it was hard to get much out of Easter mass when you are sitting amongst little ones when Easter excitement is in the air, then we headed to my moms house for some brunch and easter egg hunts. the kids had fun, audrey found a pen, not sure where that came from but it made a kodak moment, Christian has a nice scratch and bruise from the fight he had with Emma's foot. Hayden enjoyed his first Easter but was sacked out after church. Other than that not much new here just getting ready for the big D world trip, trying to figure out what i still need to get since my days are limited with little man's naps while the kiddos are at school.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Kisses and Easter eggs
Monday, April 6, 2009
could it be 11 months already
Thursday, April 2, 2009
slacking again
so not much is new here except i am wondering why i suck at time management, yes i know i have four children but i feel like i get nothing done, except fb, LOL. my time mngmt was bad prior to fb trust me. not much new here I am starting to get ready for Disney, we are counting down the days, in the meantime of preparing the family for Disney i have to plan my baby's first birthday party, nothing exciting really I just need to figure out the invites and mail those off. my goal was to have his pictures done by the birthday party but that probably won't be happening unless a miracle occurs, I am hoping the wonderful photographer who captured his newborn photos will capture his one year photos also, which i know she will but figuring out a time will be another dilemma since she is located in TN. A funny from today i was getting Christian into the car and i wiped his nose with a tissue since he had a big ole green blob there, he said "no i wanted that to stay in my nose" really b/c i'm sure it felt real nice when trying to breathe. The other day Christian kept coming out of the bathroom saying "i brushed my teeth again" ok, he had a friend over to play and i just thought he was wanting minty fresh breath, well 3 hours later and a sink full of toothpaste, I said "who put all that toothpaste in the sink" everyone "i don't know" then Christian said, "mom i need to tell the truth, I did it, and i had so much fun squeezing it out, and making a snake with it" he was so cute when he said it so all i could do was laugh. I really think he is going to be my class clown. I am still loving my job, they say i am doing good which i hope so, one nurse even said she would have not guessed that i have done telephone triage in the past b/c i sound like i am an old pro. On another note, an individual which i know that nobody else on here knows was diagnosed with brain and lung cancer, i have just been deeply saddened from this, he is in his early 40's, 4 kids, and just one of the nicest guys you will meet, i found out the other day, i pray for his family and for him but cancer is not a good thing, especially when it is in 2 places which probably means it has metatsized from another location. so enjoy the pictures for now Stephanie took the first two.
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