last week stupid blogger wouldn't let me post so let me do a recap. Last week for the first time in a long time i went to an intermediate step class, i forgot how much i really love the classes, i love doing my workouts in the cardio center but i also love classes. i always go to my Saturday am class but i need to get in the swing of going back to more. my goal is to also try a spin class, the problem is when they have them it doesn't work so well with our schedule. Last Wednesday we went to the firehouse for lunch and the Springers came also, Lucas loves fire trucks and you should have seen his face when he found out he was going to get a ride in the firetruck, it was priceless. Friday evening in the last picture is Hayden's best buddy Cooper, this is Lindsey's little boy, for those of you who don't know I was Lindsey's (awesome) mentor when she was pregnant with the triplets, then last year when i told her i was pregnant and invited her to join my pregnancy cult she at first declined but then after about a month she called me to let me know she decided she wanted to be cool like me and knocked up. So Cooper was born on June 14th, for those of you wondering, Lindsey has part half and half part miracle gro in her breastmilk, Cooper was already like 3 feet when he was born. Friday night we went to the Springers birthday party at the pool where my son decided to jump in the big pool all by himself, what i didnt' mention is that Chris was with the girls in the bathroom, Christian ran ahead and i was on the deck nourshing my other son, luckily the springers dad was standing nearby and pulled hiim out. Chris told Christian no more swimming and Christian screamed bloody murder

. Saturday evening we went to my grade school church picnic and we won four goldfish, well now we have one remaining. seems as though the pump in our small fish aquarium sucks them up like a vacuum if they are too small. apparently we can take care of our litter but when it comes to goldfish and plants we don't know what the heck we are doing.
Sunday we workedout then met John at Cutters and then to Dairyhaven for ice cream.
Today i took Emma for her ENT appt and she still has a small hole in her eardrum, if it still there in Feb they will need to patch it, great. I also talked with the lady doing our cakes for the party, i think i got it figured out, luckily the lady two doors down makes cakes and will deliver! Chris should be talking to jack about our bounce house so hopefully chris gets the date right on that. oh well i have kiddos asking to go to bed and i just realized the sink has been running for the last ten minutes, .... oh crap
sounds like a super fun and busy week. Hayden and Cooper are cuties in their carseats!! Love the firetruck picture.
my pediatrician always called my sister and me her Dairy Queens since our kids grew like reminds me of your friend!
What cute babies! Cooper must be a big boy. They look the same size!
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