Wow, the kids are 5 where has the time gone, I'm not really sure but am so proud of what they have become, they are some of the sweetest good natured happy kids. We must be doing something right. They have each developed thier own personality and I love it. Each year their bday is a big party, the girls had thier party at a kids beauty shop where they invited thier friends and had their nails painted, the girls even got their ears pierced, which was neat to see. Audrey cried like a baby before they even pierced them, and Emma was brave but you could see tears in their eyes. Christian celebrated his bday at ORO partyland which is like another chuck e cheese but they have bumper cars it was fun. On their actual bday good ole Stephanie posted a happy bday on her blog which i thank her so much because I didn't even do that on their bday, we had breakfast at Mallo's, then to the zoo for build a bears, petting stingrays, the weather was rainy so we didnt' stay long. then we headed to the spaghetti factory for lunch where Aunt Cathy met us, how many people do you know take 1/2 day off from work to spend with her friends kids, Cathy we think you are the bombdiggity and so do I! then after lunch we headed to the city museum which is AWESOME, I love it there we had never been but I do have to say it was cool and not crowded at all. Then we headed home to eat at a hibachi rest. and then back to our house with family and friends to have MORE cake and more presents. WOW it was a great bday and fun was had by all.
long time no blog,, fb is now my venting grounds but Cathy suggested using the blog to post pictures and tell what the kids are doing so this one is for you. The kids started preschool and LOVE their teachers, Christian never tells me anymore he doesnt' want to go to school, he even likes to draw which before he had no interest in.
Work is still great I love my job, I do not love swine flu, I dont' love what the media has done and truly has made the public nuts. and don't get me started about every Tom, dick and harry going to the ER for not feeling well, REALLY, SERIOUSLY why would you go to the ER and then get ticked when you have to wait 6 hours,hmm treat your symptoms and then call your doctor in the morning. anyhow just my two cents, any questions regarding the swine flu just ask, because I am a good source of info, truly i am and wont' give my smart ass answer...
I am excited we decided to refinance our house and so today after getting all that darn paperwork together went in to find out we are refinancing for 4.875 % that is the lowest they have been and those were the rates today! Woohoo i finally feel like something is going right, and wanted to dance in the loan officer's office but didnt' think it would have been appropriate, we will be saving 140 dollars a month, woohoo, now i can get that closet full of cash like the McGuire's have but hopefully my dog wont' eat it....I have been in a major funk lately, no new stress here, just pretty much feeling overwhelmed and worthless most days. the doctor initially blew me off saying you have 4 kids, yadda yadda yadda, yes i have 4 kids but seriously I dont' think i am coping well, I feel like i am always yelling at my kids and I don't like that. My friend told me today that i was a positive upbeat person which i appreciated the comment and it truly gave light into my day in addition to the interest rate! I know happiness has to come from within but lately I just feel like I am worthless and want to be the person that people say "she's a great friend" "good mother" etc, yes i know vain but i do need some validation once in awhile to keep on ticking.....
Dana you are a great friend and a wonderful mom and I am glad you updated you blog I check it almost every day!!
I check it too...btw, your kids are angels and I would take them anyday. Christian couldn't have been better on Saturday when I had him!
Holy cow, they're 5?? goodness, that can't be right! It looks like they are so grown up
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