So i am a bit behind and why blogger is underlining everything is beyond me but i actually have time to blog for the minute so here I go. We have had alot going on birthday parties, weddings, and the swine flu. Oh did I mention the pig flu not only can I recite info from the CDC in my sleep but i actually got to use the advice on my kids. Luckily we had it mildly, and the only reason I took Christian was to get him tested was his asthma, mother knows best. Chris thought I was nuts when I said before he was diagnosed that it was pig flu, well guess what Ha i was right for the 9875673467877 time but whose counting. My mother in law however was hit a bit harder with it, so sorry for sharing the germs. The kids are doing great, they started oinking on Friday and today finally are starting to speak again, well not really but it was funny. ,
Hayden is now 17 months old, how hard is that to believe, he is starting to say words and understands many more. He is such a joy to be around, he loves his big sisters and brother, the other day he walked into christian's room and reached for Christian's hand and they walked hand in hand down the hallway, melted my heart only wish i would have had the camera ready. Every day while Chris is at work he walks around and if he see's a picture of Chris or his boots or a shirt, he says "Daddy' "Daddy" and then I say he is at work and he says "yeah" and then i say with uncle John and he says "yeah non" i think he is saying John. When he sees a pumpkin he says "ball" The other day while the kids were at school i found Hayden on Christian's bed reading a book, how sweet, shh don't tell christian b/c when he leaves for school he keeps his door shut because Hayden makes a mess. Did I mention Hayden is a climber, too many times i have found him on my dining room table swinging my chandelier.
I am good, out of my funk finally. Ran my first official 10 K on sunday, it was good, am going to register for the 1/2 marathon on St. Louis and debating on doing one someplace with a fun destination, Chicago is on the riverfront and flat , gotta love that. Not a big fan of hills. Work has been nuts, good thing is if i pick up a shift on the weekend i get 100 dollar bonus on top of my pay, so woohoo, Christmas is coming and the money will be great, and Sunday i am on call which i can almost guarantee I will get called in and that is time and a half which is about 50 dollars an hour!
I'm so happy that you guys got such a mild version of the swine flu! My friend's been fighting it for months! It's a good thing you're an RN ;) Hayden is getting so big! Kaelyn will be 5 next month, and your trips are 5 already...this is craziness! I swear everytime I look at your pix, or Jen or Steph's for that matter,the kids have all gotten so big!
sO GLAD YOU ARE OUT OF THE FUNK. Hayden is getting so big ugh can't they just stay small please.
I know Hayden is older than 17 months....
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