My baby boy turned 9 months yesterday, I really was going to blog last night but my hubby while making bruschetta decided to watch a movie on the laptop so i didn't have access to it, and i went to bed at 9. I know I know every time I blog i say i am going to be a better blogger, well i am not. the other day i was thinking how much time i waste on the computer, its disgusting really so i decided to turn off the computer for awhile and get stuff done, the one day i cleaned out 4 drawers that i dont' think had been cleaned since when we moved in, and thurs i cleaned out our fridge and let me tell you it looks great, empty but great. i never use sour cream but why did i have two huge containers of it

. somedays i feel so overwhelmed by the stuff that needs to be done but it is like dishes,they will be there until i decide to do them or chris, I think my job today may be organinzing the pantry before i go to the grocery store. or maybe i will play outsided with the triplets since it is going to be 60 degrees today, i think i may dig out my shorts, well maybe not but i would love to bottle this weather since they are talking about snow on thursday. sorry mother nature but you are a huge tease. Now lets talk about my baby boy, (can you tell i am gaga over him)he is the happiest baby, he loves his siblings, I think emma especially bc she will play with him, carry him around which he thinks is hilarious. He is still army crawling which the triplets did forever and pulling to his knees, two babies younger than him are pulling to stand already and if he is anything like christian was he wont' be doing that for awhile, those darn men, he now has figured out how to put the ball in his fisher price thing and make it play music, he knows all of his Presidents, and we just started reading time magazine..okay okay just kidding.
when we had our 8 inches of snow the kids played outside for a long time, so it took forever to bundle them up, i just love the bottom pic of all three, audrey who is in the black crimson hat was mad b/c her old hat kept falling off, it was too small so chris put one of his on her and she was not happy to say the least. that girl ohh has been so sassy lately, the other day i gave her clothes to wear and she said "well if i wear that I won't look like a princess" wth? excuse me where did that come from, b/c first of all she is a princess and anybody that knows the girl will agree but hello she is 4, what the heck next year the girl will want to be served on a pillow and wear her tiara to bed.
in other news i start my new job this week and am very excited, monday is my first day with my computer training so i wll try and update on monday night. enjoy the new pics.
I love it! I had to bundle the kiddos up the other day for the first time in a while and I grumbled and complained the whole time! :) I can't get over what a happy little guy your Hayden is! Looks like they had fun!
I can't believe Hayden is 9 mos already. Boy time flies! He is such a cutie!
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