well we are back from Disney and it was wonderful for the most part, Christian had an asthma exacerbation while we were there and had to be put on steroids per my discretion, (didn't check with the dr) i used my knowledge from my new job and having a child with asthma you always have steroids on hand for when they get in the red zone so i just gave him a four day course. I brought all his asthma rescue meds not thinking we would actually use it but when the supply got low we had to find a walgreens that was closest to the hotel to fill it, again not fun when you don't know where anything is and what is close to what but needless to say chris walked about 2 miles to get Christians medicine, and took an expensive car ride to meet us but hey we got the medicine and our boy is doing great. the kids had a blast and i do have to say this was the most relaxing (if you can say that on a disney vacation) disney trip for me ever, when the kids got tired we went back to the hotel and swam alot which was also fun, Hayden did wonderful sitting most of the time in the stroller, he loved to look at the characters but was very scared and crie

d when they came near him, he did end up vomiting the last twelve hours in Florida through the night but was over the virus before we boarded the plane, THANK GOD,, and i am sure that the benadryl i gave him beofre the plane ride also helped with his wonderul naps. Saturday we had Hayden's first bday party at the park it went well, could have been a tad warmer or less windy but it was fun. he liked playing with his cake with the spoon but when the novelty wore off you can see from below he wasn't so happy. time ran out and we ended up bringing the gifts home to open which was good but the last pic is the kids playing with Hayden with his balloons, which he LOVED, he was giggling up a storm and the triplets were also having fun, i stood on the coffee table (learned that from amanda johnson) and captured the moment. mothers day was great, chris made shrimp on the grill for lunch and then i worked 3-11 which was fine, it was nice not having to cook any meals, referee any battles, or have to look at any housework needing to be done, my wish was to be queen for a day and do absolutely nothing but seriously i would end up doing something b/c i would get way bored after 2 hours, okay maybe 3!
i took all 4 today to lowe's to get sand for their sandbox well apparently an armed robbery at the regions bank across the street had happened earlier and i was paying attention to all the police cars and helicopters above while trying to wrangle 4 kids back into the car, lo and behold i got home and realized i left the sand in the cart, ughhh so we went back to lowes to get the sand, i found my paint samples in the cart outside where i left it but the sand was missing, apparently somebody took my sand but luckily Lowe's didnt' charge me for the next 2 bags, i told them i would gladly pay since idiot me forgot it in the first place but they said dont' worry about it. My business will go to Lowe's for being so customer friendly, i still am mad at NY and company for the extremely rude assistant manager and i called the corporate office and have yet to hear from then and that has been over 2 weeks, you would think businesses would care but they dont'. oh and to top off the end of the trip my mom was helping me get the suitcases out of the back of the van and it went flying out when we both lifted it and i dropped it on her toenail, blood was gushing everywhere, chris took her the urgicare and it is fractured and the nail needs to be removed, great daughter I am. so on that note i am going to go to bed good night.
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